Nursing (NUR)

NUR 1001 | Pharmacology Calculations

Lecture Credit: 1

Prepares nurse to provide safe, patient-centered nursing care related to dosage calculations within the respective scope of practice. This course introduces critical thinking applied to dosage calculations and communication used when interacting with patients and members of the healthcare team related to various aspects of safe administration of medications. Information technology used to document medications administered and patient technology used to deliver medications are also practiced.

Prerequisite: Acceptance into the Practical Nursing program.

NUR 1002 | Alterations in Adult Health I

Lecture Credit: 4

Provides acquisition of basic nursing theory, communication, collaboration, and critical thinking necessary for safe, patient-centered nursing care to diverse adult patients experiencing common health alterations requiring medical/surgical interventions. The course introduces Practical Nursing and incorporates the legal and ethical responsibilities of the Practical Nurse.

Prerequisite: Acceptance into the Practical Nursing program.

NUR 1003 | Basic Health Assessment for the Practical Nurse

Lecture Credit: .5 Lab Credit: .5

Provides the theoretical knowledge and psychomotor skills used by the Practical Nurse performing a basic assessment of health status of stable adult patients with predictable outcomes, including collecting, reporting, and recording objective/subjective data, observing conditions or changes in condition, and differentiating normal from abnormal findings. Principles of therapeutic communication and patient teaching are included. Includes practice collecting basic assessment data in the nursing skills laboratory.

Prerequisite: Acceptance into the Practical Nursing program.

NUR 1004 | Alterations in Adult Health II

Lecture Credit: 5

Apply and expand the knowledge and skills learned in Adult Health I to provide acquisition of basic nursing theory, communication, collaboration and critical thinking necessary for safe, patient-centered nursing care for diverse adult patients with conditions that are stable and predictable. The course focuses on care of patients experiencing common health alterations requiring medical/ surgical interventions. The course incorporates legal and ethical responsibilities of the Practical Nurse in the care of adults.

Prerequisite: Acceptance into the Practical Nursing program.

NUR 1005 | Practical Nursing Arts and Skills

Lecture Credit: 3 Lab Credit: 3

Employs basic nursing theory and applies that theory and theory from other co-requisite nursing courses to the performance of nursing skills. Communication, collaboration, and critical thinking necessary for safe, patient-centered nursing care are applied to the care of patients across the lifespan with stable and predictable outcomes. The course applies guidelines related to the professional, legal, and ethical scope of practice of the Practical Nurse, including demonstrating safe performance of all psychomotor skills.

Prerequisite: Acceptance into the Practical Nursing program.

NUR 1010 | Pharmacology for Practical Nursing

Lecture Credit: 3

Categorizes basic principles of pharmacology, including major drug classifications using prototype drugs, principles of medication administration including best practices for safe, quality,and patient-centered care. Discusses the legal and ethical responsibilities of the Practical Nurse related to medication administration. Application of this content is used throughout the program nursing courses.

Prerequisite: Acceptance into the Practical Nursing program.

NUR 1011 | Advancement into Practical Nursing

Lecture Credit: 1

Demonstrates the roles and responsibilities of the Practical Nurse including scope of practice, supervision, assignment, and leadership skills. Emphasis on accountability, lifelong learning, perspectives in healthcare, and career and job readiness skills for entry level nursing practice.

Prerequisite: Acceptance into the Practical Nursing program.

NUR 1013 | Basic Concepts of Maternal-Newborn Nursing

Lecture Credit: 1 Lab Credit: 1

Applies and expands the knowledge and skills learned in the previous and concurrent courses to provide the acquisition of basic nursing theory, communication, collaboration, and critical thinking necessary for safe, patient-centered nursing care to childbearing families. The course incorporates the legal and ethical responsibilities of the Practical Nurse in the care of childbearing families.

Prerequisite: Acceptance into the Practical Nursing Program.

NUR 1014 | Basic Concepts of Pediatric Nursing

Lecture Credit: 1 Lab Credit: 1

Applies and expands on the knowledge and skills learned in the previous and concurrent courses to provide for the acquisition of basic nursing theory, communication, collaboration, and critical thinking necessary for safe, patient-centered nursing care to children and their families. The course incorporates the legal and ethical responsibilities of the Practical Nurse in the care of children.

Prerequisite: Acceptance into the Practical Nursing program.

NUR 1015 | Basic Concepts of Mental Health Nursing

Lecture Credit: 1

Applies knowledge of basic nursing theory, communication, collaboration, and critical thinking necessary for safe, patient-centered nursing care to diverse patients at various levels of mental health promotion and mental illness management. The course incorporates the legal and ethical responsibilities of the Practical Nurse in the care of patients with mental health issues.

Prerequisite: Acceptance into the Practical Nursing program.

NUR 1016 | Basic Concepts of Geriatric Nursing

Lecture Credit: 1

Applies and expands the knowledge and skills learned in the previous and concurrent courses to provide for the acquisition of basic nursing theory, communication, collaboration, and critical thinking necessary for safe, patient-centered nursing care to older adults. The course incorporates the legal and ethical responsibilities of the Practical Nurse in the care of older adults.

Prerequisite: Acceptance into the Practical Nursing program.

NUR 1070 | Clinical I

Internship Credit: 3

Offers the clinical practicum to apply the related nursing theory.

Prerequisite: Acceptance into the Practical Nursing program.

NUR 1071 | Clinical II

Internship Credit: 2

Offers the clinical practicum to apply the related nursing theory.

Prerequisite: Acceptance into the Practical Nursing program.

NUR 1072 | Clinical III

Internship Credit: 1

ffers the clinical practicum to apply the related nursing theory.

Prerequisite: Acceptance into the Practical Nursing program.

NUR 1073 | Clinical IV

Internship Credit: 3

Offers the clinical practicum to apply the related nursing theory.

Prerequisite: Acceptance into the Practical Nursing program.

NUR 2002 | Transition from LPN to Professional Nursing

Lecture Credit: 2 Lab Credit: .5 Clinical Credit: .5

Facilitates transition of the Licensed Practical Nurse (LPN) to new roles and responsibilities of a professional nurse, the nursing process, critical thinking/clinical judgment, legal and ethical issues in nursing practice, and the nursing care of childbearing families and pediatric clients. The application of knowledge and skills occurs in the laboratory and maternal-child and pediatric clinical settings.

Prerequisite: Admission into LPN-BSN Program

NUR 2006 | Advanced Concepts of Medical-Surgical Nursing I

Lecture Credit: 3.5 Lab Credit: 1.5 Internship Credit: 1.5

Advanced Concepts of Medical-Surgical Nursing I builds on Medical Surgical Nursing Concepts focusing on advanced concepts of nursing applied to care of patients with high acuity medical/surgical conditions. Builds on medical/surgical nursing theory, mental health concepts, communication, collaboration, caring, and critical thinking/clinical reasoning necessary for safe, patient-centered nursing care to developmentally and culturally diverse adult patients. Incorporates evidence-based practice, quality improvement, professional standards, and legal and ethical responsibilities of the professional nurse as applied in a variety of healthcare settings. Application of knowledge and skills occurs in the nursing skills laboratory and in a variety of clinical settings.

Prerequisite: NUR 1089 with a grade of C or better

NUR 2011 | Phychiatric-Mental Health Nursing

Lecture Credit: 2.7 Internship Credit: 1.3

Develops concepts of psychosocial integrity and emphasizes the function and responsibility of nursing in promoting and maintaining mental health of individuals and families. This course emphasizes communication and caring through the application of the therapeutic relationship and nursing process in the care and treatment of common psychiatric clinical conditions/disorders.

Prerequisite: NUR 1092 with a grade of C or better

NUR 2012 | Pharmacology II

Lecture Credit: 2

Builds on previously introduced pharmacological concepts and applies that learning to pharmacologic therapy to provide safe, quality, evidence- based nursing care to patients with complex healthcare needs. Focuses on safety and quality improvement factors in the administration of medications within a variety of healthcare systems. Advanced dosage calculations included.

Prerequisite: Acceptance into the LPN-BSN program

NUR 2013 | Professional Pathway to Nursing

Lecture Credit: 3

Introduces students in the Integrated Nursing Pathway to professional nursing within the culture of healthcare safety and quality improvement. This course provides an understanding of attributes, roles and responsibilities of the professional nurse; essential knowledge, developing skills and attitudes required for team participation in a culture of safety and quality improvement; role of culture in the nurse-patient relationship; and interpersonal communication critical to the nurse-patient relationship.

Prerequisite: Acceptance into the INP program

NUR 2016 | Advanced Concepts of Medical-Surgical Nursing II

Lecture Credit: 2.3 Internship Credit: 2.7

Nursing 2016 is a continuation of Nursing 2006, focusing on complex medical/surgical conditions of the high acuity patient. Builds on medical/surgical nursing theory, mental health concepts, communication, collaboration, caring, and critical thinking/clinical reasoning necessary for safe, patient-centered nursing care to developmentally and culturally diverse adult patients experiencing high acuity medical/surgical conditions. Incorporates evidence-based practice, quality improvement, professional standards, and legal and ethical responsibilities of the professional nurse as applied in the acute care and high acuity settings. Application of knowledge and skills occurs in a variety of clinical settings.

Prerequisite: NUR 2006 with a grade of C or better

NUR 3001 | Integration into Baccalaureate Nursing Practice

Lecture Credit: 3

Explores professional nursing practice at the baccalaureate level. The course focuses on knowledge and understanding of the professional nursing standards and the nursing role at a baccalaureate level.

Prerequisite: Acceptance into the LPN-BSN program

NUR 3002 | Trends in Nursing Practice

Lecture Credit: 3

Examines current issues that nurses encounter in the health care environment including their roles and responsibilities within the nursing profession.

Prerequisite: NUR 2006, NUR 2011, and NUR 2012 with a grade of C or better

NUR 3003 | Nursing Research / Evidence Based Practice

Lecture Credit: 3

Analyzes concepts associated with nursing research, collection, and analysis of data with emphasis on integration of evidenced-based practice within nursing. The course develops the skills for critiquing published research.

Prerequisite: MAT 1260 and NUR 2006 with a grade of C or better

NUR 4008 | Legal and Ethical Issues Related to Professional Nursing Practice

Lecture Credit: 3

Emphasizes the ethical and legal obligations of professional nursing practice. The focus is on values clarification, ethical theory, and ethical decision making models. Additionally, legal issues related to healthcare will be explored.

Prerequisite: NUR 3002 with a grade of C or better

NUR 4009 | Leadership in the Nursing Profession

Lecture Credit: 3.5

Focuses on the role of the professional nurse as a leader within healthcare. The course integrates concepts needed to assume leadership and management positions in the healthcare environment.

Prerequisite: Completion of all 2000 level nursing coursework in the LPN-BSN program

NUR 4010 | Community Health Nursing/Practicum

Lecture Credit: 5 Practicum Credit: 1

Focuses on the role of the professional nurse in community-based practice settings, with an emphasis placed on health promotion, prevention, and optimal wellness of the community.

Prerequisite: Acceptance into the LPN-BSN program

NUR 4011 | Senior Seminar

Lecture Credit: 3

Integrates theory into practice by building on previous concepts and knowledge.

Prerequisite: NUR 3001 with a grade of C or better