Dental Hygiene (DEH)

DEH 1001 | Preclinical Dental Hygiene Lecture

Lecture Credit: 2

Explores basic dental hygiene theory and development of basic skills. Focuses on the application of diagnostic, preventative and therapeutic procedures and includes an introduction to dentistry and dental hygiene, dental and medical terminology, infection control, the removal of tooth deposits, patient medical and dental histories, preventive instruction and treatment planning.

Prerequisite: Acceptance into the Dental Hygiene Program

Note: All Dental Hygiene coursework must be passed with a grade of C or better.

DEH 1002 | Preclinical Dental Hygiene Lab

Lab Credit: 3

Focuses on clinical experiences in basic dental hygiene procedures and techniques including basic instrumentation, infection control, and patient assessment skills. Students participate in a variety of clinical learning experiences.

Prerequisite: Acceptance into the Dental Hygiene Program

Note: All Dental Hygiene coursework must be passed with a grade of C or better.

DEH 1003 | Dental Anatomy and Histology

Lecture Credit: 3

Focuses on a study of the anatomical and histological features of the teeth and other oral structures of the oral cavity. Includes terminology, anatomical landmarks, and tooth identification. Introduces histology, the embryology of the face and oral and nasal cavities, development of the teeth, and the histological features of the various components of the teeth and surrounding structures.

Prerequisite: Acceptance into the Dental Hygiene Program

Note: All Dental Hygiene coursework must be passed with a grade of C or better.

DEH 1004 | Dental Radiology

Lecture Credit: 2 Lab Credit: 1

Introduces principles of x-radiation production and safety factors; application and theory of properly exposing, processing, mounting and evaluating radiographs; identification of normal anatomic landmarks and pathologic conditions. Focuses on utilization of the laboratory in performing procedures necessary to produce quality radiographs.

Prerequisite: Acceptance into the Dental Hygiene Program

Note: All Dental Hygiene coursework must be passed with a grade of C or better.

DEH 1005 | Introduction to Dental Hygiene

Lecture Credit: 1

Provides the first year dental hygiene student with the basic knowledge, theory, and skill necessary to advance to subsequent clinical dental hygiene courses. This course includes an introduction to the principles of basic instrument recognition, expected professional and ethical behaviors, HIPAA and FERPA compliance, OSHA standards for infection control, dental software systems, oral hygiene instruction, dental hygiene care planning for the patient, and proper consent form documentation.

Prerequisite: Acceptance into Dental Hygiene Program

DEH 1011 | Dental and Medical Emergencies

Lecture Credit: 2

Introduces the management of emergency situations in the dental office setting. Emphasizes reduction of risk for emergencies, identification and management of anxiety, and stress recognition protocol. Provides practical skills applicable to dental hygienists and the scope of responsibility for medical emergency management as dictated by state dental practice law. Covers the basic categories of emergencies, causes and management. Includes content and use of emergency kits and oxygen support systems.

Prerequisite: Acceptance into the Dental Hygiene Program

Note: All Dental Hygiene coursework must be passed with a grade of C or better.

DEH 1022 | Periodontics I

Lecture Credit: 2

Introduces the principles of periodontics. Focuses on recognition of the tissues in health and disease, macro and microanatomy of the periodontium, and histopathology of periodontal diseases and other related gingival conditions. Provides the theory and discussion of periodontal assessment, etiology, epidemiology, inflammatory process/immune response, and the AAP classification system.

Prerequisite: Acceptance into the Dental Hygiene Program

Note: All Dental Hygiene coursework must be passed with a grade of C or better.

DEH 1023 | Head & Neck Anatomy

Lecture Credit: 1

Focuses on the study of head and neck anatomy with emphasis on the muscles of mastication, the lymphatics, the TMJ, the nerve and vascular supply, and the oral cavity.

Prerequisite: Acceptance into the Dental Hygiene Program

Note: All Dental Hygiene coursework must be passed with a grade of C or better.

DEH 1026 | Dental Materials

Lecture Credit: 1 Lab Credit: 1

Provides the dental hygiene student with a sound knowledge of the science of dental materials. Covers didactic and laboratory experiences and the physical properties, basic chemistry, and the clinical applications of the materials used in the practice of dentistry.

Prerequisite: Acceptance into the Dental Hygiene Program

Note: All Dental Hygiene coursework must be passed with a grade of C or better.

DEH 1032 | Applied Pharmacology

Lecture Credit: 2

Covers general pharmacology and reviews drugs that may influence the management of dental hygiene patients. Enables the student to develop sufficient knowledge of pharmacology to permit safe and effective medical evaluation of patients for dental hygiene treatment.

Prerequisite: Acceptance into the Dental Hygiene Program

DEH 1035 | Pain and Anxiety Control for the Dental Hygienist

Lecture Credit: 1 Lab Credit: 1

Covers the theory and practice of pain management and anxiety control as applied to the practice of dentistry and dental hygiene. This course emphasizes mastery of the armamentarium, techniques of local and regional anesthesia, and nitrous oxide/oxygen sedation. This course covers the knowledge and skills necessary to administer local anesthetics and nitrous oxide/oxygen sedation proficiently and safely.

Prerequisite: Acceptance into the Dental Hygiene Program

Note: All Dental Hygiene coursework must be passed with a grade of C or better.

DEH 1050 | Dental Lasers: Theory and Practice

Lecture Credit: .5 Lab Credit: .5

Integrates the theory and practice of diode lasers into dental hygiene treatment. Course instruction into the mechanics of lasers followed by hands-on lab experience and ultimate integration into the clinical setting. Students will be laser certified upon completion of the course.

Prerequisite: Acceptance into the Dental Hygiene Program

Note: All Dental Hygiene coursework must be passed with a grade of C or better.

DEH 1053 | Clinical Theory of Dental Hygiene I

Lecture Credit: 2

Builds on the broad theoretical basis provided in DEH 101 and DEH 102. Focuses on enhancing patient assessment skills, instrumentation and additional information on preventative and prophylactic clinical procedures.

Prerequisite: Acceptance into the Dental Hygiene Program

Note: All Dental Hygiene coursework must be passed with a grade of C or better.

DEH 1070 | Clinical Practice of Dental Hygiene I

Clinical Credit: 4

Provides clinical experience in patient skills assessment, instrumentation and additional preventative and prophylactic clinical procedures.

Prerequisite: Acceptance into the Dental Hygiene Program

Note: All Dental Hygiene coursework must be passed with a grade of C or better.

DEH 1071 | Clinical Practice of Dental Hygiene I-A

Clinical Credit: 2

Continues patient care sessions for the performance of traditional dental hygiene treatment. Enables the student to provide treatment to periodontally involved patients utilizing advanced instrumentation and power scaling.

Prerequisite: Acceptance into the Dental Hygiene Program

Note: All Dental Hygiene coursework must be passed with a grade of C or better.

DEH 1075 | Special Topics

Exploration of current topics, issues and activities related to one or more aspects of the named discipline.

Prerequisite: Acceptance into the Dental Hygiene Program

Note: Special topics courses range from 0-12 credits and vary in learning type. Please see your program chair for more information about your options.

DEH 1085 | Independent Study

Independent Study Credit: 1

To be determined by the individual instructor. A Course Description will be developed for each course and documented within the course syllabus. Refer to the SFCC Style Guide for Course Description, Required Course Learning Outcome, and Topical Outline guidelines.

Prerequisite: Acceptance into the Dental Hygiene Program

DEH 2002 | Applied Nutrition in Dentistry

Lecture Credit: 2

Gives students a fundamental understanding of general nutrition with an emphasis on the interrelationship between nutrition and dental health. Focuses on recognizing nutritional deficiencies and how to conduct and evaluate nutritional surveys on patients.

Prerequisite: Acceptance into the Dental Hygiene Program

Note: All Dental Hygiene coursework must be passed with a grade of C or better.

DEH 2004 | Community Dental Health I

Lecture Credit: 2

Course provides instruction in the concepts, methods and issues of dental public health. Emphasis is placed on evidence-based criteria for effective promotion and prevention of dental disease in the public health setting. Concepts of dental health education and program planning in the community setting are reinforced through case based materials, including methods of assessment, planning, implementation and evaluation of effectiveness. Course activities will reinforce skills in speaking and writing effectively in preparation for the subsequent community dental health field experience course.

Prerequisite: Acceptance into the Dental Hygiene Program

Note: All Dental Hygiene coursework must be passed with a grade of C or better.

DEH 2013 | General and Oral Pathology

Lecture Credit: 3

Focuses on the fundamentals of general pathology and the disease process. Covers oral pathology with emphasis on recognition and identification of pathologic conditions that most frequently occur around the oral cavity. Helps students identify appropriate referral mechanisms to render a definitive diagnosis.

Prerequisite: Acceptance into the Dental Hygiene Program

Note: All Dental Hygiene coursework must be passed with a grade of C or better.

DEH 2021 | Ethics and Practice Management

Lecture Credit: 2

Focuses on the transition from an educational environment to a working dental business. Enables the student to learn management skills of operating a dental office. Emphasizes opportunities for self-exploration in development of personal and professional goals. Examines professional ethics, legal issues, and the relationship to the licensed practice of dental hygiene.

Prerequisite: Acceptance into the Dental Hygiene Program

Note: All Dental Hygiene coursework must be passed with a grade of C or better.

DEH 2025 | Community Dental Health II

Lecture Credit: 1

Provides practical application of community dental health theory and opportunities to conduct needs assessments on a variety of populations. Emphasizes meeting the educational needs of specific populations through program planning, implementation and evaluation. Incorporates supervised field experiences in low-income, school and other public facilities as well as private health and education oriented organizations.

Prerequisite: Acceptance into the Dental Hygiene Program

Note: All Dental Hygiene coursework must be passed with a grade of C or better.

DEH 2042 | Periodontics II

Lecture Credit: 2

Continues to explore theoretical/clinical preparations with emphasis on dental hygiene process of care, treatment planning, non-surgical treatment, evaluation of treatment, and maintenance needs of the periodontal patient. Develops research and decision making skills with use of library and Internet resources relating to risk factors, etiologic agents, and treatment modalities. Includes comprehensive periodontal assessment, supplemental diagnostics, periodontal pharmacology, and evidence based treatment planning.

Prerequisite: Acceptance into the Dental Hygiene Program

Note: All Dental Hygiene coursework must be passed with a grade of C or better.

DEH 2066 | National Boards Review

Lecture Credit: 2

Provides formal review sessions for second year dental hygiene students preparing to sit for the National Board Examination.

Prerequisite: Acceptance into the Dental Hygiene Program

DEH 2068 | Clinical Theory of Dental Hygiene II

Lecture Credit: 2

Provides the didactic theory for clinical practice of dental hygiene skills at the beginning of the second year of dental hygiene curriculum. Builds on clinic theory from first year curriculum to provide the knowledge base needed for treatment of patients with more advanced periodontal disease and medical/health factors. Focuses on: periodontal charting and documentation, interpretation of periodontal factors on radiographs, use of treatment planning in the dental hygiene process of care, legal parameters of record keeping and informed consent, use of oral photography, application of sealants, treatment of dental hypersensitivity, application of chemotherapeutics and professional oral irrigation, application of ergonomics in dentistry, clinical dental hygiene treatment considerations for patients with history of cardiac complications and diabetes.

Prerequisite: Acceptance into the Dental Hygiene Program

Note: All Dental Hygiene coursework must be passed with a grade of C or better.

DEH 2070 | Clinical Practice of Dental Hygiene II

Clinical Credit: 6

Covers patient care sessions for the performance of traditional dental hygiene treatment. Continues and expands periodontal patient care and special patient care sessions. Focuses on clinical competence in margination and polishing of restorations, nutrition counseling, oral irrigation, chemotherapeutics and OSHA compliance.

Prerequisite: Acceptance into the Dental Hygiene Program

Note: All Dental Hygiene coursework must be passed with a grade of C or better.

DEH 2071 | Clinical Practice of Dental Hygiene III

Clinical Credit: 6

Continues patient care session with emphasis on attaining a level of competency and efficiency for successful performance in clinical board exams and private practice. Focuses on clinical skill development in tobacco cessation, product selection, patient communications, curettage and special topics developed patient treatments. Provides elective extra-mural clinical sites for additional practice.

Prerequisite: Acceptance into the Dental Hygiene Program

Note: All Dental Hygiene coursework must be passed with a grade of C or better.

DEH 2082 | Periodontics III

Lecture Credit: 1

Course provides comprehensive dental hygiene clinical management techniques for periodontal patients supported by application of basic clinical research sciences. Focus is on the "therapy" component of periodontics including instructional sessions covering the general principles of periodontal surgery, the surgical management of soft tissues and osseous defects, wound healing, implants, and the role of occlusion in periodontal therapy.

Prerequisite: Acceptance into the Dental Hygiene Program

Note: All Dental Hygiene coursework must be passed with a grade of C or better.

DEH 2085 | Clinical Theory of Dental Hygiene III

Lecture Credit: 2

Serves as the capstone course of the final semester of a two-year curriculum. Prepares the student for two major goals: basic competence for transition to provision of dental hygiene services in private practice; and the ability to successfully pass both written National Boards examinations and regional dental hygiene clinical examinations. Emphasizes the application of case based learning. Major topics include: cosmetic bleaching, air powered polishing devices, application of the re-evaluation process in treatment planning for periodontally involved cases, preparation for the CRDTS regional clinical exam process, application of an effective tobacco cessation process, technique and process for gingival curettage, technique and process for amalgam polishing and margination, care of cosmetic dental restorations, and maintenance of implants.

Prerequisite: Acceptance into the Dental Hygiene Program

Note: All Dental Hygiene coursework must be passed with a grade of C or better.

DEH 3001 | Advanced Careers in Dental Hygiene

Lecture Credit: 3

Provides an overview of the career options available to the dental hygienist with an advanced degree. In depth analysis of alternative careers to include: public health systems, dental hygiene education, research, sales and marketing, oral health policy and oral health care delivery systems.

Prerequisite: Acceptance into the Dental Hygiene Program

DEH 3002 | Research Methodologies

Lecture Credit: 3

Develops the skills necessary to identify and develop a research topic, navigate a research database and develop an effective, scientifically sound, and persuasive research paper with specific emphasis on dental and dental hygiene topics.

Prerequisite: Acceptance into the Dental Hygiene Program

DEH 3026 | Oral Health Promotion

Lecture Credit: 3

This course focuses on the assessment of oral health needs and issues of designated populations, recommends strategies to meet those needs along with advanced concepts involving risk reduction, health literacy strategies, and epidemiology.

Prerequisite: Acceptance into the Dental Hygiene Program

DEH 3045 | Advanced Dental Nutrition

Lecture Credit: 3

Examines program planning and evaluation, healthcare policy, and cultural and nutritional issues specific to community nutrition and its relationship to oral health.

Prerequisite: Acceptance into the Dental Hygiene Program

DEH 3047 | Dental Hygiene Business Administration

Lecture Credit: 3

Examines the intricacies of business including accounting, finance, marketing and management with special emphasis on dental and dental hygiene practice issues, business planning and ethical considerations.

Prerequisite: Acceptance into the Dental Hygiene Program

DEH 3055 | Social Issues in Oral Health

Lecture Credit: 3

Evaluates the complexity and interplay of social and physical environmental structures, economic systems, and behavioral patterns that affect overall health with a focus on health services, health beliefs and their impact on health-related behavior choices.

Prerequisite: Acceptance into the Dental Hygiene Program

DEH 3075 | Special Topics

Provides student with a vehicle to pursue in depth exploration of a special topic of interest.

Prerequisite: Acceptance into the Dental Hygiene Program

Note: Special topics courses range from 0-12 credits and vary in learning type. Please see your program chair for more information about your options.

DEH 3087 | Leadership & Administration

Lecture Credit: 3

Examines the skills needed for leadership roles in public health, community health, education, business and industry with emphasis on leadership theories and application.

Prerequisite: Acceptance into the Dental Hygiene Program

DEH 4002 | Diversity and Cultural Competence Research: Relationship to the Delivery of Oral Health

Lecture Credit: 3

Examines knowledge, beliefs, and behaviors that influence healthcare choices and become barriers to healthcare services by creating cultural competence with a positive effect on patient care delivery and acceptance of treatment.

Prerequisite: Acceptance into the Dental Hygiene Program

DEH 4012 | Teaching Strategies and Methods for the Dental Hygiene Educator

Lecture Credit: 3

This course focuses on preparation of the dental hygiene instructor/oral health promoter for a successful teaching experience in the classroom, clinic, or community setting. Major themes include applying teaching methodologies, psychomotor learning theories, feedback techniques and motivational strategies to direct learning

Prerequisite: Acceptance into the Dental Hygiene Program

DEH 4075 | Special Topics

Provides student with a vehicle to pursue in-depth exploration of a special topic of interest.

Prerequisite: Acceptance into the Dental Hygiene Program

Note: Special topics courses range from 0-12 credits and vary in learning type. Please see your program chair for more information about your options.

DEH 4089 | Capstone: Dental Hygiene

Lecture Credit: 5

To be determined by the individual instructor. A Course Description will be developed for each course and documented within the course syllabus. Refer to the SFCC Style Guide for Course Description, Required Course Learning Outcome, and Topical Outline guidelines.

Prerequisite: Acceptance into the Dental Hygiene Program