Criminal Justice (CRJ)
CRJ 1010 | Introduction to Criminal Justice: GT-SS3
Lecture Credit: 3
Introduces students to the basic components of the criminal justice system in the United States. Concepts of crime, crime data, victimization, perspectives and views of crime, theory, and law are discussed. Particular attention to the criminal justice process, interaction and conflict between criminal justice agencies, and current criminal justice issues are examined. This course is a part of the Statewide Guaranteed Transfer courses. GT-SS3
CRJ 1012 | Procedural Criminal Law
Lecture Credit: 3
Covers constitutional and procedural considerations affecting arrest, search and seizure, post-conviction treatment, origin, development, philosophy, and constitutional basis of evidence. Focuses on degrees of evidence and rules governing admissibility, judicial decisions interpreting individual rights, and an analysis of case studies from arrest through final appeal.
Prerequisite: CRJ 1010 with a grade of C or better
CRJ 1025 | Policing Systems
Lecture Credit: 3
Examines policing in the United States, including: historical foundations, emerging issues, and the relationship between law enforcement and the community. The various types of law enforcement agencies, their administrative practices, and the behavior of those involved in the delivery of police services are examined from the perspective of democratic values, racial and ethnic diversity, and societal perceptions of police effectiveness. Career requirements, including current and future trends, are also presented.
CRJ 1027 | Crime Scene Investigation
Lecture Credit: 3
Focuses on basic procedures in crime scene management to include photography and preparing initial reports and sketches. Includes processing evidence and related criminalistic procedures. Covers interviewing suspects, witnesses and victims to include the recording of identifications and descriptions. Incorporates lab and lecture.
CRJ 1035 | Judicial Function
Lecture Credit: 3
Provides an overview of the structure and function of the dual American judicial system and the behavior of actors (judges/justices, lawyers, law clerks, interest groups, etc.) within the system. Emphasis is placed on the organization and administration of state and federal courts, criminal court procedures, juries, selection of judges, decision-making behavior of juries, judges and justices, and the implementation and impact of judicial policies.
CRJ 1045 | Correctional Process
Lecture Credit: 3
Examines the history and total correctional process from law enforcement through the administration of justice, probation, prisons, correctional institutions, and parole. Also examines the principles, theories, phenomena and problems of the crime, society, and the criminal justice system from the perspective of criminology and the criminal justice system in general. Emphasizes the role of sociology and other interdisciplinary approaches to the field of corrections and society’s response.
CRJ 1046 | Community Based Corrections
Lecture Credit: 3
Introduces an analysis of community based correctional programs and procedures. Emphasizes the environment and the relationship to public safety, reintegration and punishment.
CRJ 1052 | Sexual Assault
Lecture Credit: 3
Examines sexual assault beginning with definitions and describing the degrees of sexual assault and the penalties and realities of punishment. Covers myths, statistics, services, treatment and prevention. Both the rapist and the adolescent offender are profiled. Emphasizes the pro-active approach with regard to prevention.
CRJ 2001 | Emergency Dispatching
Lecture Credit: 5
Focuses on the unique knowledge, skills and abilities required for working in the Emergency Telecommunications industry. The course will focus on the basics of the emergency communication center, emergency telecommunication technology, caller management, call classification, legal aspects and stress management.
CRJ 2005 | Principles of Criminal Law
Lecture Credit: 3
Focuses on common law and statutory law crimes, the Model Penal Code, elements defining crimes and penalties, defenses to criminal accusations, and definitions and distinctions between criminal and civil law.
CRJ 2009 | Criminal Investigation I
Lecture Credit: 3
Covers the function of the preliminary investigation at a crime scene to include securing the scene, crime scene searchers, police drawings, and recognition and collection of evidence.
CRJ 2010 | Constitutional Law
Lecture Credit: 3
Focuses on the powers of government as they are allocated and defined by the United States Constitution. Includes intensive analysis of United States Supreme Court decisions.
CRJ 2025 | Crisis Intervention
Lecture Credit: 3
Exploration of information and application of crisis theories in working with diverse populations. Understanding of the interventionist role with regards to the field of crisis intervention.
CRJ 2030 | Criminology
Lecture Credit: 3
Provides an introduction to the study of crime, understanding the causes of crime, and examines, theoretical frameworks and theories to explain criminal behavior. Within a social context, consideration is given to how theories have emerged and understand how social context contributes to explanations of crime. Examination of the nature of crime, crime victimization, crime patterns, types of crime, crime statistics, and criminal behavior is also included.
CRJ 2031 | Introduction to Forensic Science and Criminalistics
Lecture Credit: 3
Exploration of the fundamentals of forensic science that are essential for gathering evidence at the crime scene and analyzing it in the crime laboratory.
CRJ 2036 | CRJ Research Methods
Lecture Credit: 3
Provides an introduction to research methods in criminal justice. Addresses foundations of research, analysis of findings, and ethical issues in researching criminal justice issues. This course will use an interactive approach in basic research concepts and practices. Students will obtain a thorough understanding of how research is conducted and how practitioners can benefit from this knowledge. Additionally, students will develop research proposals, conduct appropriate reviews of previously published research, and write a final research study.
CRJ 2045 | Interview and Interrogation
Lecture Credit: 3
Exploration of the study of technical and legal approaches used in gathering desired information from victims, witnesses, and suspects. Examines the fundamental characteristics of questioning and the use of psychological influences.
CRJ 2057 | Victimology
Lecture Credit: 3
Demonstrates to the student the role the crime victim plays in the criminal justice system. The traditional response that a crime victim receives from the system will be studied and the psychological, emotional and financial impact these responses have on victimization will be analyzed.
CRJ 2075 | Special Topics
Provides students with the ability to pursue in depth exploration of special topics of interest.
Note: Special topics courses range from 0-12 credits and vary in learning type. Please see your program chair for more information about your options.
CRJ 2080 | Internship
Internship Credit: 3
Provides placement of the student into the criminal justice field to integrate theory with practice.