Advanced Academic Achievement (AAA)

AAA 0050 | Semester Survival

Lecture Credit: 2

Emphasizes basic study skills in order to bolster their chances of completing the current semester successfully.

AAA 0090 | Academic Achievement Strategies

Lecture Credit: 3

Develops personalized approaches to learn and succeed for easier transition into college. Topics include goal-setting, time management, textbook reading strategies, note-taking, test-taking, listening techniques, concentration and memory devices, and critical thinking for student success.

AAA 1001 | College 101: Student Experience

Lecture Credit: 1

Introduces students to college culture and prepares them for the challenges they will face in higher education. Through a series of interactive seminars, students discover learning in a multicultural environment and use college and community resources to attain education and career goals.

AAA 1009 | Advanced Academic Achievement

Lecture Credit: 3

Examines theories and practices associated with successful learning to enhance college success. Recommended for new and returning students, this course study areas including education and career planning, effective communication, personal management, critical and creative thinking, development of community and awareness of diversity, leadership, and techniques for successful academic performance.

AAA 1075 | Special Topics

Exploration of current topics, issues and activities related to one or more aspects of the named discipline.

Note: Special topics courses range from 0-12 credits and vary in learning type. Please see your program chair for more information about your options.