Health Sciences Pathway
Nutrition is a fascinating and dynamic science with a powerful role to play in promoting and sustaining health and wellness. In this two-year program, you'll be prepared for transfer to a 4-year university or apply for an entry-level nutrition-related position. An Associate of Science (AS.) in nutrition prepares you to educate individuals, patients and your community on healthy behaviors, wellness and appropriate food choices.
Earn your AS. in nutrition! It will provide you transfer opportunities to finish a 4-year degree or provide a wide range of career opportunities, including dietary aid, food coops, health clubs & spas, health food stores, wellness education and nutrition product sales. The projected job growth outlook in this field is estimated to increase 10-15 percent through 2030, faster than average.
Some careers and occupations require additional training, certification or education.
The Community College of Denver (CCD) and Metropolitan State University of Denver (MSU Denver) have developed a transfer pathway from an AS. in nutrition to a bachelor (B.S.) or masters (M.S.) in nutrition. The AS. degree can be completed in 2- years at CCD when following the prescribed degree plan. Upon transfer, students can choose to complete a B.S. or M.S. degree (3+2 program) in 2 to 3 additional years, depending on your desired career pathway. The 3+2 master's degree plan requires students finish 3 years of undergraduate college course work and the remaining 2-years are focused on graduate college course work.** Starting in 2024, students who want to pursue the registered dietitian (RD/RON) professional licensure will be required to have a M.S. degree.
Both pathways include required chemistry courses CHE 2100 & CHE 2150 (Introduction to Organic and Bio-chemistry with lab) along with NUT 1800 (Careers in Dietetics and Nutrition) and NUT 3400 (Nutrition and Weight Management) or NUT 3200 (Nutrition and Sports Performance) to be taken at MSU Denver while still being a CCD student through an inter-institutional agreement.
Students interested or enrolled in this program will need to follow the recommended degree pathway. You are encouraged to meet with your CCD academic advisor and the health and wellness program director. CCD and MSU Denver advising team will work together to answer your questions. Students are invited to attend a CCO/MSU Denver advising event during their first year in the program to learn more about the program, career opportunities and the inter-institutional program.
Fifth Semester important information-
Students will need to take CHE 2100/2150 Introduction to Organic & Biochemistry with Lab at MSU Denver the semester following graduation from CCD if the course was not taken as an elective in semester 4 at CCD (please ask the program director for a copy of the 4-year bachelor or 3+2 master degree completion plans for more information). It is important students follow this recommendation after CCD graduation. CHEM 2100/2150 are pre-requisites required for nutrition courses at MSU Denver. Timely
completion and graduation depend on students taking CHEM 2100/2150 the semester after CCD graduation.
**Students must meet MSU Denver application requirements for the master's program.
Program Highlights
• Students will automatically earn a certificate in food, nutrition and wellness at the end of your first year when following the suggested degree pathway.
• Students have the option to finish CCD's personal trainer certificate as an elective choice while completing the A.S. in nutrition degree.
• CCD has an articulation agreement with MSU Denver where your A.S. will seamlessly transfer.
• Continue on to a four-year degree* and you'll be prepared for career opportunities such as, food safety specialist, food scientist, nutritionist, nutrition product development, public health nutritionists, and educator.
• Continue with the 3+2 plan and earn your master's degree to prepare for a career opportunity as a registered dietitian in only 5 years.
• Scholarship opportunities are available for transfer and Phi Theta Kappa.
• As a student in this program, you can be a part of the Auraria Campus Student Dietetic Association and meet other students from CCD and MSU Denver who are also interested in nutrition and wellness.
*Some careers and occupations require additional training, certification or education.
First Semester | Credits | |
HWE 1050 | Human Nutrition | 3 |
Choose One Mathematics Course (GT-MA1) | 3-5 | |
College Algebra: GT-MA1 | ||
Pre-Calculus: GT-MA1 | ||
College Trigonometry: GT-MA1 | ||
Calculus I: GT-MA1 | ||
Choose One Composition Course (GT-CO1) | 3 | |
English Composition I: GT-CO1 | ||
Technical Writing I: GT-CO1 | ||
Choose One Communication Course | 3 | |
Interpersonal Communication: GT-SS3 | ||
Public Speaking | ||
Intercultural Communication: GT-SS3 | ||
Subtotal | 12-14 | |
Second Semester | ||
ENG 1022 | English Composition II: GT-CO2 | 3 |
BIO 1111 | General College Biology I with Lab: GT-SC1 | 5 |
PSY 1001 | General Psychology I: GT-SS3 | 3 |
Choose One Chemistry with Lab Course | 5 | |
General College Chemistry I with Lab: GT-SC1 | ||
Introduction to Chemistry I with Lab: GT-SC1 | ||
Subtotal | 16 | |
Third Semester | ||
MAT 1260 | Intro to Statistics: GT-MA1 | 3 |
BIO 2101 | Human Anatomy & Physiology with Lab I: GT-SC1 | 4 |
NUT 1800 (Careers in Nutrition and Dietetics) at MSU Denver 3 | 1 | |
Choose One History Course (GT-HI1) | 3 | |
African American History: GT-HI1 | ||
20th Century World History: GT-HI1 | ||
The World: Antiquity-1500: GT-HI1 | ||
The World: 1500-Present: GT-HI1 | ||
History of Latin America: GT-HI1 | ||
Women in World History: GT-HI1 | ||
Choose One Arts & Humanities Course (GT-AH1~GT-AH4) | 3 | |
Art Appreciation: GT-AH1 | ||
Art History Ancient to Medieval: GT-AH1 1 | ||
History of Jazz: GT-AH1 1 | ||
Intro to Philosophy: GT-AH3 | ||
Ethics: GT-AH3 | ||
Comparative Religions: GT-AH3 1 | ||
Choose One Elective Course | 2 | |
Medical Terminology | ||
Fitness and Wellness | ||
Subtotal | 16 | |
Fourth Semester | ||
BIO 2102 | Human Anatomy & Physiology II with Lab: GT-SC1 | 4 |
NUT 3400 OR NUT 3200 (Nutrition & Weight Management or Nutrition & Sports Performance) at MSU Denver 3 | 3 | |
Choose One Arts & Humanities Course (GT-AH1~GT-AH4) | 3 | |
Introduction to Literature I: GT-AH2 | ||
Race, Ethnicity, and Culture in U.S. Literature: GT-AH2 2 | ||
World Literature to 1600: GT-AH2 | ||
Humanities: Early Civilization: GT-AH2 1 | ||
Humanities: Medieval-Modern: GT-AH2 1 | ||
World Mythology: GT-AH2 1 | ||
Choose One Social & Behavioral Sciences Course (GT-SS1~GT-SS3) | 3 | |
Human Growth and Development: GT-SS3 | ||
Psychopathology: GT-SS3 | ||
Medical Anthropology: GT-SS3 | ||
General Psychology II: GT-SS3 | ||
Introduction to Sociology I: GT-SS3 | ||
Introduction to Sociology II: GT-SS3 | ||
Choose One Elective Course | 3-5 | |
Introduction to Public Health: GT-SS3 | ||
Microbiology with Lab: GT-SC1 | ||
Applied Nutrition to Whole Food Cooking | ||
Certified Personal Trainer Preparatory Course | ||
Introduction to Human Disease: GT-SC2 | ||
CHE 2100 & 2150 (Intro to Organic and Biochemistry with Lab) at MSU Denver 3 |
Subtotal | 16-18 | |
Total Credits | 60-64 |
- 1
Meet MSU Denver global diversity requirement
- 2
Meet MSU Denver multicultural requirement
- 3
MSU Denver Inter Institutional Course
Semester 5 notes and articulation agreement notes: students will need to take CHE 2100/2150 at MSU Denver the semester following graduation from CCD if the course was not taken as an elective in semester 4 at CCD (please ask the program director for a copy of the 4-year bachelor or 3+2 master degree completion plans far mare information). It is important students follow this recommendation after CCD graduation. CHEM 1100/2150 are prerequisites required for nutrition courses at MSU Denver. Timely completion and graduation depend on students taking CHEM 1100/1150 the semester after CCD graduation.
NOTE: MSU Denver transfer agreement allows for any GT-Hl1 course. Recommended GT-HI1 courses are: HIS 1110, 1120, 2005, 2015, 2110, or 2200. Recommended GT-HI1 course HIS 1110, 1120, 2005, 2110, 2015, 2200. Recommend HIS courses meet MSU Denver global diversity/multicultural requirement.
NOTE: MSU Denver transfer agreement allows for any two GT-AH1~GT-AH4 courses to meet the 6-credit GT-AH requirement. Recommended GT-AH1~GT-AH4 courses are: ART 1110, ART 1111, HUM 1015, HUM 1021, HUM 1022, LIT 1015, LIT 2005,
LIT 2059, MUS 1023, PHI 1011, PHI 1012, PHI 1016.
NOTE: Students must choose their GT-AH courses from two different categories (GT-AH2, GT-AH3, GT-AH4).
Health Sciences Pathway- at Lowry
Community College of Denver currently offers one certificate degree in nutrition.
Food, Nutrition & Wellness
**This program is not eligible for federal student aid.**
Nutrition is a fascinating and dynamic science with a powerful role to play in promoting and sustaining health and wellness. In this three-course certificate, you will explore various approaches to health and wellness through studying the concepts, values and applications of this exciting field of health science. In the first two courses, you will learn the fundamentals of nutrition, explore what it means to eat healthily, discover how to efficiently meal plan and grocery shop, and obtain techniques that will make cooking fun, easy and enjoyable! In the third and final course, you will focus on fitness and wellness, which will provide a foundation to design, implement and evaluate a complete personal fitness and wellness program.
This certificate is relevant for you if you are interested in pursuing an education in nutrition or health-related fields, health care professionals, nutritionists, personal trainers, wellness coaches, massage therapists, life coaches, teachers, caregivers; or if you have an interest in food, diet and optimal health.
Meet minimum assessment scores and/or prerequisites for courses in the program.
Code | Title | Credits |
HWE 1050 | Human Nutrition | 3 |
HWE 1061 | Fitness and Wellness | 2 |
HWE 1054 | Applied Nutrition to Whole Food Cooking | 3 |
Total Credits | 8 |