
Associate of Science Degree

Science, Technology, Engineering & Math Pathway

Chemistry Transfer Major

The Associate of Science degree with a designation in chemistry is a two-year program designed for you to graduate and transfer to a four-year institution to complete a bachelor’s degree in chemistry.

In this program, students will be equipped with conceptual and experimental tools required to understand and manipulate the molecular world. The program offers classroom, and laboratory practices. Career paths for chemistry degree holders include, but not limited to, quality control, pharmaceutical research, chemical engineering and national defense.


Plan of Study Grid
First SemesterCredits
CHE 1111 General College Chemistry I with Lab: GT-SC1 3 5
ENG 1021 English Composition I: GT-CO1 1 3
MAT 2410 Calculus I: GT-MA1 2 5
PSY 1001 General Psychology I: GT-SS3 3
Second Semester
CHE 1112 General College Chemistry II with Lab: GT-SC1 3 5
ENG 1022 English Composition II: GT-CO2 1 3
MAT 2420 Calculus II: GT-MA1 2 5
Third Semester
CHE 2111 Organic Chemistry I with Lab 5
MAT 2430 Calculus III: GT-MA1 4
PHY 2111 Physics Calculus Based I with Lab: GT-SC1 5
Choose One Arts & Humanities Course (GTAH1~GT-AH4) 3
World Mythology: GT-AH2  
Humanities: Modern World: GT-AH2  
Race, Ethnicity, and Culture in U.S. Literature: GT-AH2  
Logic: GT-AH3  
Environmental Ethics: GT-AH3  
Art Appreciation: GT-AH1  
Fourth Semester
CHE 2112 Organic Chemistry II with Lab 5
PHY 2112 Physics Calculus-Based II with Lab: GT-SC1 5
Choose One Elective 1-3
Independent Study  
Introduction to Programming  
Principles of Microeconomics: GT-SS1  
Engineering Data Analysis  
Experimental Design  
Choose One History Course (GT-HI1) 3
20th Century World History: GT-HI1  
The World: Antiquity-1500: GT-HI1  
The World: 1500-Present: GT-HI1  
U.S. History Since the Civil War: GT-HI1  
Women in U.S. History: GT-HI1  
History of Latin America: GT-HI1  
 Total Credits60-62

Students can take ENG 1022 and an additional GT-CO3 course instead of ENG 1021 and ENG 1022.


Requires prerequisite coursework: MAT 1340 and MAT 1420; see your academic advisor for specific information.


CHE 1111, CHE 1112, CHE 2111, and CHE 2112 cannot be taken online.

NOTE: This statewide transfer articulation agreement in chemistry does not fulfill requirements for the GT Pathways general education curriculum or the Associate of Science degree prior to transfer; however, this agreement does guarantee a student, if admitted, junior standing and completion of the baccalaureate degree within an additional 60 semester hours at the receiving institution.

Completion of the receiving institution’s lower division general education requirements is fulfilled only under the condition that one GT Pathways-approved course in arts and humanities (AH1~AH4) and one GT Pathways-approved course in social and behavioral sciences (SS1, SS2, or SS3) are successfully completed at the receiving institution within the first 30 hours or 12 calendar months.

Students transferring to a four-year college/university under this chemistry agreement are encouraged to ‘reverse’ transfer the one GT Pathways course in arts and humanities and the one GT Pathways course in social and behavioral sciences (Note #2 above) back to their community college in order to complete the GT Pathways general education program and to earn their Associate of Science degree with a chemistry designation. Lecture and laboratory portions of organic chemistry, CHE 2111 and 2112, must not be taken in an online delivery format.

NOTE: The faculty at Community College of Denver have chosen course elective options for this program of study based on the skills students will need to be successful in this discipline. However, for a complete list of available course options, please go to the Colorado Department of Higher Education Transfer Degree Agreement for this program.