
Associate of Science Degree

Science, Technology, Engineering & Math Pathway

Biology Transfer Major

The Associate of Science degree with a designation in biology is a two-year program designed for you to graduate and transfer to a four-year institution to complete a Bachelor of Science in biology. In this program, you will explore physics, chemistry and biology and will learn that biology is the study of life and living beings, including their types, growth, structure, evolution, including where and how they live. Modern biology is very broad and it has many smaller areas, including the study of animals, plants, cells, genes, and other life science topics. Career paths for biology degree holders include pre-medicine, pre-pharmacy, pre-veterinary, physical therapy, dentistry and many other scientific fields.


Plan of Study Grid
First SemesterCredits
BIO 1111 General College Biology I with Lab: GT-SC1 5
ENG 1021 English Composition I: GT-CO1 1 3
PSY 1001 General Psychology I: GT-SS3 3
MAT 1340 College Algebra: GT-MA1 4
Second Semester
ENG 1022 English Composition II: GT-CO2 1 3
CHE 1111 General College Chemistry I with Lab: GT-SC1 5
BIO 1112 Gen College Biology II with Lab: GT-SC1 5
Third Semester
PHY 1111 Physics Algebra-Based I with Lab: GT-SC1 5
CHE 1112 General College Chemistry II with Lab: GT-SC1 5
Choose One Arts & Humanities Course (GT-AH1~GT-AH4) 3
Art Appreciation: GT-AH1  
Spanish Language III: GT-AH4  
World Mythology: GT-AH2  
Race, Ethnicity, and Culture in U.S. Literature: GT-AH2  
Ethics: GT-AH3  
Environmental Ethics: GT-AH3  
Choose One Social & Behavioral Science Course (GT-SS1~GT-SS3) 3
World Regional Geography: GT-SS2  
General Psychology I: GT-SS3  
Introduction to Sociology I: GT-SS3  
Intro to Political Science: GT-SS1  
Introduction to Criminal Justice: GT-SS3  
Introduction to Mass Media: GT-SS3  
Fourth Semester
PHY 1112 Physics Algebra-Based II with Lab: GT-SC1 5
Choose One History Course (GT-HI1) 3
Western Civilization: Antiquity-1650: GT-HI1  
Western Civilization: 1650-Present: GT-HI1  
The World: Antiquity-1500: GT-HI1  
The World: 1500-Present: GT-HI1  
U.S. History to Reconstruction: GT-HI1  
U.S. History Since the Civil War: GT-HI1  
Choose One Arts & Humanities Course (GTAH1~GT-AH4) 3
Spanish Language IV: GT-AH4  
Music Appreciation: GT-AH1  
World Mythology: GT-AH2  
Logic: GT-AH3  
Ethics: GT-AH3  
Environmental Ethics: GT-AH3  
Choose One Elective 5
General Zoology with Lab: GT-SC1  
Pre-Calculus: GT-MA1  
 Total Credits60

Students can take ENG 1022 and an additional GT-CO3 course instead of ENG 1021 and ENG 1022.


Requires prerequisite coursework: MAT 1340 and MAT 1420; see your academic advisor for specific information.

NOTE: It should be noted that per Colorado law {C. R. S. §23-1-125(1)(e)}, general education courses taken online, including general education science courses, are guaranteed to transfer as core course (GT Pathways) requirements at all Colorado public institutions of higher education. If you plan on transferring to a four-year institution in the science or health professions, and want to take a science course online, please speak to your academic advisor about how to ensure that it does transfer.

NOTE: The faculty at Community College of Denver have chosen course elective options for this program of study based on the skills students will need to be successful in this discipline. However, for a complete list of available course options, please go to the Colorado Department of Higher Education Transfer Degree Agreement for this program.

NOTE: if these credits are not required for the major at a receiving 4-year institution, they will be applied to the bachelor’s degree as elective credit toward graduation. Please check with the receiving institution to determine in which way these courses will be applied - for all science courses except that BIO 1111, CHE 1111. 
NOTE: Students are strongly encouraged to seek academic advising prior to registration regarding the acceptability of online science courses if they anticipate transferring to a 4-year institution or completing graduate work in the sciences or health professions. It should be noted that per Colorado Revised Statute, §23-1-125(1)(e), general education courses taken online are guaranteed to satisfy core course (GT Pathways) requirements at all Colorado public institutions of higher education.