Public Safety & Legal Services Pathway

The Public Safety and Legal Services pathway offers the education and the training necessary for students to pursue a broad variety of careers in state and local government as well as numerous careers in community and private services. In this pathway, students are engaged in instructional programs that integrates academic and technical training in a number of fields including criminal justice, homeland security, law enforcement, human services, and paralegal.

Program Name Degree Type
- Criminal Justice Transfer MajorAssociate of Arts1
- Criminal JusticeAssociate of Applied Science
- Emergency DispathCertificate
- Homeland SecurityCertificate
- Law EnforcementCertificate
- ParalegalAssociate of Applied Science
- Paralegal TransferAssociate of Applied Science
- General ParalegalCertificate

Denotes a "Transfer Major" that has a statewide transfer degree plan or a statewide transfer articulation program in place and is fully transferable in its entirety into any Colorado public four-year program. Transfer Majors are awarded with a specific program designation major on the transcript. See an academic advisor for more information.