Elementary Education

Associate of Arts Degree

Education Pathway

Elementary Education Transfer Major 

The following courses represent the statewide transfer agreement between the Colorado Community College System and all Colorado four-year institutions offering elementary education teacher preparation programs.

The first 41 credit hours are common for all transfer institutions. The final 19 elective credits must be determined with the assistance of your academic advisor as they are specific to the receiving institution. ENG 1021 must be completed with a grade of B or better for transfer. The four-year college or university will accept all credits in your education graduation agreement earned within 10 years of transfer. Courses earned more than 10 years earlier will be evaluated on an individual basis. Contact your academic advisor to select appropriate electives.


Plan of Study Grid
First SemesterCredits
ENG 1021 English Composition I: GT-CO1 8 3
EDU 2211 Introduction to Education 3
ART 1110 Art Appreciation: GT-AH1 3
LIT 2055 Children`s Literature: GT-AH2 3
GEO 1005 World Regional Geography: GT-SS2 3
EDU 2088 Practicum II 1
Second Semester
ENG 1022 English Composition II: GT-CO2 3
MAT 1220 Integrated Math I: GT-MA1 9 3
PSC 1011 American Government: GT-SS1 3
PSY 2441 Child Development: GT-SS3 3
Third Semester
LIT 1015 Introduction to Literature I: GT-AH2 3
SCI 1055 Integrated Science with Lab: GT-SC1 4
MAT 1230 Integrated Math II: GT-MA1 9 3
EDU 2341 Multicultural Education 3
HIS 1220 U.S. History Since the Civil War: GT-HI1 3
Fourth Semester
SCI 1056 Integrated Science II with Lab: GT-SC1 4
EDU 2611 Teaching, Learning and Technology 3
Choose 9 Credits Based on your Transferring Institution 9
Teaching the Exceptional Learners 1,3,4,5,6,7  
Principles of Macroeconomics: GT-SS1 4, 6  
College Algebra: GT-MA1 6  
Working with Parents, Families, and Community Systems 1  
Spanish for the Professional I 1  
Human Nutrition 4  
U.S. History to Reconstruction: GT-HI1 5,7  
Human Growth and Development: GT-SS3 2,3  
Public Speaking 2  
Introduction to Sociology I: GT-SS3 2  
The World: 1500-Present: GT-HI1 3,5  
Intro to Statistics: GT-MA1  
English Language Learning (K-6) 7  
 Total Credits60

University of Colorado Denver


Metropolitan State University of Denver


University of Colorado Boulder (contact an education advisor at edadvise@colorado.edu with questions or clarification on elective choices)


University of Colorado Colorado Springs


 University of Northern Colorado 


Western Colorado University


Adams State University


Some educator preparation programs require a B- in ENG 1021 as an admission requirement. However, a C- or better guarantees the general education GT-CO1 requirement has been met.


Completion of MAT 1220 & MAT 1230 with a C- or higher will satisfy the GT- Pathways math requirement at some institutions but not all. At the receiving institution’s discretion, students may be asked to complete a GT-MA1 approved course.


This program does not align to the Colorado Mesa.

Note:  The faculty at Community College of Denver have chosen course elective options for this program of study based on the skills students will need to be successful in this discipline. However, for a complete list of available course options, please go to the Colorado Department of Higher Education Transfer Degree Agreement for this program.